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Local Development

Developers have a wide variety of toolchains, from operating systems to code quality standards. This section walks you through modifying your setup to create your preferred development environment.

It includes instructions for Windows and Linux machines, environment variables, Javascript setup (webpack, Babel, browser support), and code quality standards (formatting, linting, typing).

 Main Guides 5

Create project from starter

Starter Gatsby sites for jump-starting development

Environment variables

Run Gatsby's develop or build processes with different options, or use secrets you don't want to check into your version control.

GraphQL Typegen

More easily incorporate content into your pages through automatic TypeScript type generation and better GraphQL IntelliSense.

Debug development errors

Some common errors come from gatsby-image, GraphQL, and plugin installation

Javascript tooling

Docs for Gatsby's Javascript toolchain, like Typescript, webpack, Babel, ESLint, and Prettier

 Additional Guides 14

  • Gatsby on Windows
  • Gatsby on Linux
  • Run a Local Preview Server
  • Configure CA Certificates
  • Debugging HTML Builds
  • Debugging Incremental Builds
  • Debugging Missing or Stale Data Fields on Nodes
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • ESLint
  • TypeScript
  • ES Modules (ESM)
  • Specify Browser Support
  • Upgrading Node.js
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